<--Jayme Gutierrez --> Jayme Gutierrez

The Rig Rocker lyrics

by Jayme Gutierrez

Hello Everybody!
We’ve just added “the Rig Rocker” lyrics on the website; “The Rig Rocker”. And here is a sneak peek of the new video that we’re doing! (there’re more in the gallery)

I’ll be putting the photos of the daily filming up, here on my facebook
There’s still a lot of work left!!

¡Hola a todos!
Ya está añadida a la sección lyrics la letra de “The Rig Rocker”. Además, os dejo un adelanto del nuevo vídeo que estamos grabando (hay más en gallery).

En mi página de Facebook iré subiendo diariamente las fotos del rodaje. ¡¡Queda mucho trabajo por delante!!

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5 Responses to “The Rig Rocker lyrics”

  1. Jo says:

    Hi, I’ve just watched this video, yet again. It is stunning. Very clever.Marie’s drawings are fantastic, as I’ve already told her.
    You all work so very hard on these videos and it must take loads of hours and patience. Well you have cracked it .It is sooooo good!!!!!

  2. raymond snifleplukwicker says:

    hummmm you need a bum. for a new vid. i know a good actor, very cheap but high quality.

  3. Wendy Arthur says:

    sounds close to orignal

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