<--Jayme Gutierrez --> Jayme Gutierrez

Jack Black is Keri Russell!

by Jayme Gutierrez

“-Keri Russell (Felicity, Running Wilde) is actually a shaven Jack Black in a wig. Celebrity genious Keith “Cheggers” Chegwin admitted this today, having long known this fact which started as a prank, but has been too embarrassed to speak out until now as nobody had found it funny…”

-The Daily Moon

jack black lookalike keri russell lookabitalike joe!

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2 Responses to “Jack Black is Keri Russell!”

  1. Jen says:

    Haha! Where do you come up with these?? I never in a million years would have considered this, and then BAM, there it is! They’re twins!
    Well, maybe first cousins ;)

  2. Joe! says:

    Huh, yeh I usually see it and go; “hey he looks just like soAndso!” and everyone laughs in my face with remarks like; “yeah right!” and “Numpty” and then after hours of searching I put up the photos and they’re like; “oh yeah… You were right!” and “You ARE the best…” and the World can start spinning again…

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