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Posts Tagged London

vlog16 mugged

by Jayme Gutierrez Posted in vlog | No Comments »

Yes, yes, after years of drought I’ve come back with fresh ideas determined to upload videos on a regular basis.
Every Monday you’ll have something new to watch!
In this Videoblog I explain why I haven’t been around here and why I decided to come back, all with a hint of comedy…
I hope you enjoy it!

Not dead. No really.

by Jayme Gutierrez Posted in blogging | 1 Comment »

So, I felt that it was about time someone posted something. You know… considering it has been about 8 MONTHS since anyone posted… I am so sorry people, so sorry.

As some of you may know, Jayme went to England a while ago. He posted a couple of comments on Facebook before giving up, cause he’s rubbish like that. He twitted quite a bit, though. The first trip had a few complications so Jay decided to come back and go back to London at a later date, when things could be organized with more ease. Either way, he is currently in London again! And is still rubbish at posting. Also emails.

He’s been doing some adverts for radio an did the soundtrack for a T.V advert in Andalucia He will be coming back for Christmas and then returning to London at some point afterwards.

Joe! has been busy with various videos, and on Monday he will be filming the first division Granada F.C. He doesn’t yet know if he’ll be putting the results on youtube yet. Him and The Tall One have been setting up their own website which you can look at here: www.luxvideo.es You can see his new Hombres Solos music video, also the controversial (in Andalucia) UPA advert. Go check it out, he’s been a busy boy :D

I have become a little batman fixated on deviantart

And that brings us to a section I like to call: What Jayme Missed Out On…

layer cake

…because he doesn’t send emails. Or Skype.

Video Blog 15!

by Jayme Gutierrez Posted in vlog | 5 Comments »

So, hello everyone!
Again, I am sorry for the delay, I haven’t posted in ages!
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for all of the comments that I have been receiving! They have been very supportive so THANK YOU!!!

O.k, well…the latest thing that I’ve been up to is moving to London.

Yep, I have moved to London!!! (I say ‘moved’ but it’s more like for an ‘indefinite’ amount of time, so I could end up returning to Spain, depending on how things go here in London.)
I am here to meet people and to try and find a job within the music industry. Whether it be writing, performing, producing,e.t.c… Whatever comes, I am open to all!

I will be trying to do more blog posts about my progress, but I’m not promising anything!