<--Jayme Gutierrez --> Jayme Gutierrez


by Jayme Gutierrez

Myspace licks balls!
Thinking about it… The most people who use myspace are bands! How stupid is that! Bands don’t care about other peoples music because they are too busy promoting their own myspace.
People are getting pissed off with recieving “friends requests” from bands to the point that they don’t use it anymore!! What’s the point in having ten thousand hits if they’re all bands that are only accepting your friends request to get them more hits!?
They aren’t going to re-visit my page because their interest lies in me looking at THEIR page (something that, like them, I’m not interested in doing either). WE’RE ALL SPAMMERS!
I think that my youtube account is more important because of the fact that at the moment youtube isn’t as full of bands spamming everyone. Plus youtube is more personal because you get to see videos of people in their home. Also, doing a video blog gives people more of an incentive to come back and re-visit because there is always somthing new to see.
Apart from being a place where people can listen to your music (something that you can do just as easily on you tube, without having to wait half an hour for the page to load) it’s nothing much.

Myspace is dying…

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